Octopress 3
Emacs org-modetags
emacs org-mode octopresssubject
Blogging in Octopress 3I have to admit that I've been quite lazy in the last three years in terms of blogging, but recently I had some time, so I've moved my old blog to octopress 3.
In general, it looks like it's easier to work with once is set up correctly, but there's not so much documentation as with octopress 2 and build it up is a little bit more try and error.
The essential directory structure is very similar to any other Jekyll based blog (with directories for include, templates, posts, …), but, opposite to Octopress 2, you don't have a Rakefile to build the blog neither a source dir with the sass theme and the blog structure. So, if you want to see your changes locally you have to run Jekyll serve.
One of the things that I think they have enhanced in Octopress 3 is the publishing management, because, instead of using Rake as with Octopress 2, they provide a ruby command to manage all that, providing octopress new {post|page|draft} to generate a new post, page or draft and octopress {publish|unpublish} to publish a draft or unpublish a post, so the management of posts is now easier from my point of view. Finally, with octopress deploy, you can deploy your changes to the final destination (Github, another git repo, rsync, S3, …).
You can have more information about Octopress 3 and Jekyll in the Octopress 3 GitHub page and in the Jekyll project page. So, now that I have my blog again working and linked with org-octopress I hope I can write more often.
Happy Hacking!